Why Movies?

Do you love movies?

When I was a kid, my brother and I used to go to the Saturday Morning Matinees to watch our favorite serial stars, like Commander Cody, Flash Gordon, heroes who always faced certain death at the end of the episode, and somehow always made it back the next week.

If there is a particular film you would like to see reviewed, or just one you would like to talk about, feel free to comment.
Thanks, Fred

Monday, January 9, 2012

Grosse Pointe Blank - 1997

Grosse Pointe Blank -1997

Hollywood Pictures, Caravan Pictures, New Crime Productions

Directed by George Armitage


Story: A boy from a very dysfunctional family decides to join the Army, leaving his girlfriend/fiance sitting at home in a very expensive prom dress on the night of their prom. Ten years later, the boy is a man and a professional assassin, having left the Army and set up his own shop. Through a series of strange events, his profession leads him back to his home town just in time for his high school ten year reunion. The ensuing events lead him to assess his choices and his past, to revisit old friends and acquaintances, and to come to the conclusion he is in the wrong job.

Review: I have to admit, I am an avid John Cusack fan. The man has this quality I can barely describe, except to say that I would love to hang out with him for a day or two. No matter what role he takes on, he remains as human and as real as anyone I know. Combine this boyish charm and smooth delivery with the very lovely and talented Ms. Minnie Driver, the endearing charm of Alan Arkin, the witty and uncanny comedy of Dan Ackroyd, and the sad sack comedy of Jeremy Piven, and you have a comedy sure to make anyone smile. Toss in a little Mitch Ryan, a dash of Hank Azaria, and the ditzy comedy of John's sister, Joan, and you have a sure fire hit. This film is a laugh a minute comedy that has no peer. Even the gunfights and the demolition of a convenience store are funny. Rent it, buy it, own it, love it.

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